Tuesday 7 February 2012

Futures Pitch Document - Development

In this section i will be showing all the development work leading up to the creation of my futures pitch document, all sketches ideas and thoughts will go here.

i will begin with a little bit about my game, the genre and IP etc. and then move onto sketches and example work.

IP Opportunity statement

My IP Opportunity is the theme of ‘Time’ combined with the ‘Bones’

My ip will consist of several themes picked up on during my research which I deem interesting and so do others.

The game choice I have decided on is one about none other than voodoo priest dinosaurs resurrecting their friends through bones and fossils.

Game Genre

The genre is a very basic side on plat former, which involves puzzles and fun mechanics to get the children involved with the onscreen action, and also teach them at the same time.

Specification for target Audience

Just like a lot of children’s games this is a very bright and colourful game to attract them to it.
The main target audience is children, with the main aim of teaching them while they are playing a video game, which attracts not just the children, but the parents.

The game teaches kids about science and history, and can be adapted easily to teach other subjects just by changing the subject matter involved.

we had a futures pitch presentation today here are my prsentation posters for the presentation itself.

Poster one the main poster. no info on the poster just a picture to draw in the view (note, its to dark already im not impressed)
here was a really surreal set of ideas that i had for my front page. it will still however scare the hell out of kids and will put mothers off buying the game. i like it thought ill keep it for myself!

Poster two. this poster is the story, usps, all the info needed to know about the game.
a couple of drawings that i did to show what i want in the game. I.E characters and enemies.

FEEDBACK RECIEVED: the poster is too scary and dark for a childrens game, and the idea of bones on a game is a little stupid for a childrens game, would a parent or teacher allow their children to use a game themed on bones.
a thougth on the title aswell, instead of "yoo doo Voodoo" an idea that was given was "yoo doo Doodle" which is a more interactive idea and concept which allows children to actually colour and play with the dinosaurs/characters in the game making it more unique and each childs game is different.
oh and the background sucks, find a new one, still green and grassy all that nature stuff!

a couple of example pages now. created for the pitch itself, as just a test, does it look good together? there is a new background etc.
this is the specification for the target audience page, its a little wordy but has games at the bottom which have been done in this style, a fun game that allows children to learn and play at the same time, and they invovle some of the childrens favourite characters
a look and feel page here, adapted from my presentation as i liked the lower level layout of it. its bright and colourful and shows what i mean when i say "bright and colourful for children" peppa pig is the theme i am going for, stupid, yet its very bright and colourful with the child being stimualated visually as they play the game.

an adapted mechanics page, again simple layout, very clear mechanics which are bright and colourful and keeps anyone looking at it stimulated and involved with the game or the pitch document at hand.

Need to see Bev and see how the background and the page layout is so i can carry on with my pitch creation.

Time for some DINOSAURS!
here are a few of the characters that you can find in the game, they are a bit goofy and still black and white (i haven't been able to reach my sister and ask if he kids can help and color these things in)
they are simple and very bold and unique. each one has a special ability and they are clearly distinguished from each other.

a big fat dinosaur to barge through walls and items etc

a flying dinosaur. to flap around and take you to high places.

a swimming dinosaur. you always need a swimmer!

a big tall dinosaur that can reach high things. like stuff off the top shelf!

and finally a teeny tiny dinosaur that runs really fast and is very energetic.
these characters will be updated asap when i have added some color and allowed my sisters children to color them in, as kids being able to color and create dinosaurs is one of the aims of the game.

the title page ideas i have had. something a bit more lively and upbeat since it is a children s game. they are bubbly and WILL be colored really bright and in your face.
a marketing and USP set pages that i can use for titles etc.

my main character below. with a few mechanics.
im still working on these. i dont want him to have many mechanics.
i want the mechanics themselves to come from the dinosaurs.
so i will have to limit the amount of types of dinosaur i actually create.

some more mechanics. simple kung fu moves. and shaking his staff around. 

and here is a picture of the enemies you will be fighting. 
his shoes are off because i ran out of room on the page.....im just that good ladies and gents.

more mechanics are needed for these guys and some in game screen shots to really get a feel of these guys.

Since my game is aimed at children, i got my sisters children involved with my project. 
i gave them simple sheets of the characters, which are below, and then asked them to color the sheets in, a lot like a coloring book. this is something of a theme i want to have throughout the game idea, and the IP.  the images seen on screen by the children will be in black and white, and they are then encouraged to color the pictures in. this makes the game feel  very interactive, and more enveloped in the game, and through this hopefully they will learn through it.

below are the children s efforts to color in the pictures, i have several of these images that have an age range from 4 all the way up to 12, which is a large section of children! ( she has 7 kids so getting them involved in some of my work is great getting to find out how they think, and the ideas they come out with are amazing, something that a grown up could never say in a million years).

now this is where the children got inventive, they were asked to actually create their own dinosaur that they would like to see in the games, they came up with some very strange ideas and the colors were very bright and colorful (which i have been using in my game so far Color all the way!)

ive been doing some more work on the pitch and posters, and below i have a few pages from my pitch to show, and also my posters, this first one is my poster 1 the main game poster for the game itself, the one to grab peoples attention. its nice and bright and displays the games name and the tag line.

the title of the game has now changed however! its more child friendly!

Working Game Title: Dino Doodle 
tag line Where Yoo'Doo the Dino
(this is a play on words, the main character is called Yoo'Doo!)

and the second poster, the USPS and the little info about the game itself!

my posters are very simple and very clean, they are intentionally done like this so they are easy on the eye of the potential buyers of my game!

here are a few pages from my pitch that will be later handed in, they have been tweaked and changed over the weeks to become the final article!

this is the story description with some of the very bright characters, these showcase the bright quality to the stages and how bold the characters are. they are striking and are in black and white ready for the children to color them in!

this is the settings page, this tells the player about settings and scenarios that you will be experiencing, they are bright and colorful and very scenic places.

this page is a little profile of the enemies in the game, these are the main enemy that you will be fighting throughout the entire game!

i was thinking about changing my background of my pitch to match that of my posters, but i didn't want to use the same background over and over again throughout my whole project so i used a couple of backgrounds in the end!

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