Monday 26 September 2011

Past - "Time"

Back Casting
Past – Time

Time has been around for a very long time, in fact the clock was one of the world’s first inventions, from sundials to candle clocks, and time has always been on everybody’s mind, everyone keeping track of it. Time is one of those devices instilled in everyone’s life that keeps that on schedule and is possible the greatest human invention of all time, well in my eyes anyway.

The word itself “Clock” comes from several different languages and dialects, but mainly coming from Celtic words “Clagan” or “Clocca”, meaning “bell”.
“A silent instrument missing such a mechanism has traditionally been known as timepiece”.
The word time piece as most people know is often a word used to describe a watch where as it used to be used to describe a bell type mechanism. Generally people use the word clock to refer to any device for measuring or displaying time.
The clock being one of the oldest human inventions that consistently measure intervals that are shorter than things like days, lunar months and even years.
Many devices have been found over the millennia that all culminated in today’s versions of the clock.
“The Egyptians were the first people who created a twenty four hour day. But time was a little bit different in those days. The night was divided up into twelve hours, which were designated by the position of stars in the sky. The day was divided into ten hours and a shadow clock was used to keep track of these hours. The twilight hours were the hours before dawn and after sunset”.

It still amazes me that people as far back as the Egyptians had such a great understanding of time, and they came up with such a brilliant method for keeping track of time.
Something that really amazed me, and made me feel i should pay even less attention, is Galileos discovery, something which at first made me laugh, he made an amazing contribution to the world of time, and he did it by not paying attention in church!
In 1581 and Galileo was around about the age of 17 he used to visit a cathedral of Pisa, and it was here that he made one of the best discoveries regarding clocks and their mechanisms.
“He was standing in the Cathedral of Pisa watching the huge chandelier swinging back and forth from the ceiling of the cathedral. Galileo noticed that no matter how short or long the arc of the chandelier was, it took exactly the same amount of time to complete a full swing”.

The chandelier gave him the great idea to create a pendulum clock, which to be honest, is a ridiculously awesome thing to notice while standing in a church being bored.

“While the clock would eventually run out of energy, it would keep accurate time until the pendulum stopped. If the pendulum was set swinging again before it stopped, there would never be a loss in accuracy”.

This is the main reason why today pendulums are still used so widely, they keep time perfectly even if they begin to slow and stop.
And now that that boring part is over looking a little at when we first decided to make a device to capture something that nobody really understands it is time to look at something weird, and where better to start than people trying to go invisible on a boat!

On Youtube, I found a video which shows how a boat in Greece was tested for teleportation and invisibility, saying that it could be the next step in warfare and how people fight during big intense wars, it was a documentary for the ship and how the testing was carried out.

This is the link if interested:

The boat was in a playboy in Greece, and old American warship, an old boat that people actually said could go invisible and travel through time, which, by all means is weird.
But since I cannot show the video in a written context I have found information about the boat from written resources.

There she is the boat that was tested.
Image and quotes are from below.
The experiment was called the Philadelphia Experiment is the name of an alleged naval military experiment said to have been carried out at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA sometime around October 28, 1943. It is alleged that the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to enemy devices. The experiment is also referred to as Project Rainbow.
The story is often seen as a hoax, discarded by the military saying that “the story contradicts well-established facts about the Eldridge, as well as the known laws of physics”. Covering their own backs it seems.
But with people claiming to back the story 100% giving details of the ship, its location, and tales of the experiment itself it’s up to the viewer to decide whether they believe it or not.
“The whole story of the Philadelphia Experiment stems from Carl M. Allen’s letters to astronomer, researcher, and writer Morris K. Jessup. Carl provided most of the "facts" that are still used in books today, for example; the name of the test ship, the location and date of the experiment, etc. With most of the "facts" coming from one individual (and later being "confirmed" by others) one begins to wonder who is Carl Allen, and is he of sound mind”.
However there is damning evidence to show that the experiment did in fact happen.
Did we in fact already crack invent the mode of teleportation before people were even fascinated in it by films? Or were these films actually based on the findings of these experiments that occurred in secret.
A major breakthrough in particle physics came in the 1970’s when physicists’ realized that there are very close ties between two of the four fundamental forces.
These 2 forces were later described as
“Same theory”
It seems that in Geneva, the large Hadron Collider is looking for Boson Higgs, and they believe with these particles they might be able to muster up the science and the technology to actually come up with a way to go through time! And these Boson Higgs have been theorized about for years, they aren’t just a new invention that has been appearing recently.
“They suggested that all particles had no mass just after the Big Bang.
As the universe cooled and the temperature fell below a critical value, an invisible force called the “Higgs Field” was formed together with the associated “Higgs Boson”

So it seems that if they managed to isolate these particles they might be able to understand the Big Bang a little more and why the hell is happened, and to think this all started in the 70’s I thought people were all hippies back then but guess I was wrong.

But to stick with the theory to time travel and the most popular thoughts about how time travel actually works is given in this rather strange quote I found.

“The grandfather paradox is one of the most popular; posing that a man travels through time and marries a woman who turns out to be his own mother, who then gives birth making him his own father, grandfather and so on”.

The paradox essentially replicates what happens in the back to the futures films, where he messed with his own families past and nearly erased himself from time completely, it seems that films were a little deeper and complex that just for entertainment value, a film that actually uses science as a back ground for a storyline is awesome.

The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, is also another good example of people using time, and time travel based philosophy in their work, this brilliant yet mind boggling book uses a lot of concepts about time travel in its pages, and was even adapted into a book, so people either like to be confused by a strange comedy writing, or they are perplexed by the conundrum based time based references all through the book.
The original book was filled with random quotes and theoretical questions that confused the brain, and confused a nation.

For example, the characters visit the legendary planet Magrathea, home to the now-collapsed planet-building industry, and meet Slartibartfast, a planetary coastline designer who was responsible for the fjords of Norway. Through archival recordings, he relates the story of a race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who built a computer named Deep Thought to calculate the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, the computer itself was a comedy vehicle, yet a way to show how deep such a simple 1 line question can actually be.

“When the answer was revealed to be 42, Deep Thought explained that the answer was incomprehensible because the beings didn't know what they were asking”.

With film adaptations, several books, it is apparent that people like to look into the sciences, even if it is sandwiched between comical moments, and things they don’t truly understand.

That’s enough about films and books, let’s go back even further, when do we actually feel like we were created, and how do we think we were created. I am sure everyone is aware of the theory of evolution, but who was the first person to actually say “hey we came from monkeys”.

“Evolution was first theorized by Charles Darwin in his book "Origin of Species". It was not invented, per say, but if you're looking for who to give credit to, it's Charles Darwin”.

Found At:

There is a lot of scepticism towards Darwin though, mainly from religious beliefs, and people of a religious background, people actually still believe that he was lying, and that everything about evolution is just a made up creation that is forced up us to try and stop our belief in the gods.

“You have to be crazy to believe Darwin. Evolution is not a fact just something else shoved down our throats”

Above is the usually picture that shows evolution through the stands of ape to man, and this is the concept that is used to prove evolution, as well as the fossils they have found.

Although people generally believe that Darwin was the first to write about the evolution of man, and his books are used in lectures and as examples in biology and the further research into the development of man, i found out through research I found it wasn’t actually Darwin who invented, or even wrote about evolution, it was a French guy!

“Not Darwin. Not Lamarck. Not the Greeks. A French physicist and mathematician...
“Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1678-1759) was an interesting man. He devised what we now know as the principle of least action, and showed that the earth was flattened. Some other things he did, however, changed biology forever

Apparently this guy wrote books about evolution way before Darwin, and he was a brilliant mind, and very intelligent, proving several things through his writings, such as the quote above shows.
But there weren’t just writings about mathematics and geography, he also wrote about biology quotes from his book which show his great understand and theories go as follows:

A picture of Pierre Louis de Maupertius.

“There are as many species as the Infinite Being produced diverse forms in the beginning”.

Although it only began cropping up in writings in the past couple of hundred years about evolution, there were writings as far back as 50bc, a writer called Lucretius seemed to understand to some degree evolution and mutation even before theories and all the theories and the experiments began!
"And in the ages after monsters died,

Perforce there perished many a stock, unable

By propagation to forge a progeny.

For whatsoever creatures thou beholdest

Breathing the breath of life, the same have been

Even from their earliest age preserved alive

by cunning, or by valour, or at least

by speed of foot or wing."

(From Book V of "On the Nature of Things", William Leonard's translation)


  1. Time is man made. SO does it really exist?

  2. It’s important to follow the schedule on webct so you don’t fall behind. This is to give us an opportunity to give constructive feedback and for you to make any required adaptations.
    By today, 23rd Oct, 2011, you should have completed your research into present on both topics and be on target to complete your research into the past for both by the end of Tuesday’s lesson, 25th.
