Monday 26 September 2011

Present - "Time"

State of the Art analysis
Present - Time

In this section i will be looking at how people look and feel about the concept of time in the present day world and how time is culturally relevant in this day and age.
"The concept of time is a loose one, a thing that doesn’t actually exist, yet people base so many things of their lives on this one subject.
So what is the time you ask? Below are all of the world times in one place.

The Times newspaper, Keeping up to date with the world’s affairs.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference, when it was decided to the place the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England

The concept of time was only thought up in 1884?
It is strange that we all work around this system, and 2 times a year, we change what the time actually is.
After attempting to discover the concept of time I came across this very interesting quote from a Yahoo question board.

“Time was not "invented" as it does not really exist. It is a purely human mechanism for managing our lives. Outside the human framework all other organisms live "now" there is no yesterday or tomorrow in their consciousness. Of course they learn things and use that knowledge at a later date, but don't confuse that with having a concept of time”.

Another time based question and answer session on Yahoo story boards.

Below are sites with theories and moderate explanations of when time was actually “invented” but time was never actually invented, in fact, it doesn’t even exist.
Time is a manmade concept which

There isn’t really a definite answer from any of the sites or boards out there, the only thing you get is a theory and when clocks were invented.

Here is a Wikipedia link, here you can see many different types of clock that have been invented over the years, and can research other things from this.
“None of the first clocks survived from 13th century Europe, but various mentions in church records reveal some of the early history of the clock”.

Why does a day start when it does? Is it the sunrise or the sunset in some cultures.

There are tons of concepts about where time came from and how it was invented.

Time concepts.

A nice site showing all the time machines that have been dreamed up through the years.

Time is mostly a thing about the past. The here and now has nothing really to do about time, people just live in mundane lives, day in and day out doing the same boring routine".

Time travel. Is it even possible? And why do people believe they have actually seen people of the future, or even the past? Im not an expert on time I can barely tell the time so I will be relying on research found online and in books to really get to the bottom of this time travel malarkey.
The first reported story of time travel was from Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard of the British Royal Air Force in 1935, saying he flew through “high winds of a storm's strange brown-yellow clouds”

The website linked above shows rather strange tales of time travel, its full of strange stories people have linked over and over, all occurring in different locations apparently witnessed by several people.
But with quotes such as
“It was then that I saw the occupants were clad in 17th century fashion”
How could this be fake!
There seems to be hundreds of stories of people miraculously going through time without even knowing it, through magical storms and one even believing a strange magical doorway was the cause of her losing the control of the whole side of her body!?
Personally I don’t believe in time travel stories that are strewn across the internet, most of them seem to be fantasy stories made up when someone’s had a glass or two of wine and have strange consequences that just don’t make sense at all
It could all be linked to writers perhaps, people see dollar signs are instantly start getting the attention of others via the internet or news teams and try to make as much cash as possible off of their “experiences”.
Below is a link to the guardian’s top 10 time travel books of 2009.
Is this the cause of all the random stories of time travel? No one will really be able to say, its impossible to disprove someone’s stories if you were not there to witness it, its just down to speculation whether you believe it or not.
even children authors get in on the act, James Deem wrote several stories about time travel for children, is it stories implanted into a child’s mind at a young age that makes them grow up believing that they have travelled through time? Or is it science fiction gone mad?

Even teens from 1989 were encouraged to think about time travel with the release of “Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure” and the follow up film in 1991 “Bill and Teds Bogus Journey”
Even Arnie got in on the time travel thing and went through back and forth through time in the “Terminator” films, is this cause of the phenomenon of people believing they went through time? An Austrian man in a leather jacket?

A lovely picture of the Austrian Machine that is Arnie.
After searching around for people opinions It seems a very broad range of thoughts and theories on the matter, from the outright denial of time travel
“I doubt it is possible. We have no time travellers from the future here today. Where are they all if it is possible? Nobody from the future has come back and told us anything”
to those people who mean well but then sort of loose track of what they were doing at the end and start rambling, a little like me.
“Theoretically, if an object moves faster than speed of light, his time start to slow down and go back. The problem is when humans move that speed (even with spacecraft), it will become dust. Maybe my friend in other universe knows it. ALIENS!!! help”
Although the internet is filled full of mental people thinking they can fly and they saw Hitler when a storm hit them in the bath tub, there is a science behind the whole thing.
Many scientists believe that time travel is in fact possible, and that it may be a reality in the future.
Seeing time as water flowing is a more simple way of thinking about it.
“Just as the water in a river rushes or slows depending on the size of the channel, time flows at different rates in different places. In other words, time is relative”.
What was a little shocking to read was that Global positioning satellites pull this off every day, accruing an extra third-of-a-billionth of a second daily!
“Time passes faster in orbit, because satellites are farther away from the mass of the Earth. Down here on the surface, the planet's mass drags on time and slows it down in small measures”
So this technically means we are going through time! Well, it may only be a couple of billionths of a second but it proves that time is not as linear as people once thought, perhaps harnessing this has potential to allow us to go through time? Who know although it would be cool to go back and see a dinosaur roaming around before breakfast.

There is one name though that popped up several times on message boards, and on time travel sites that I have visited, it was one post in particular that peaked my interest in this man,
“but there are time travellers’ that have come here like John Titor”.
Who is this guy? And why do people actual believe he came back in time, only time will tell…..
John Titor. Available:
It seems that John titor may actually be from the future, well, its either that or hes really good at guessing things correctly.
When he first arrived from “the future” or wherever he came from, John was quoted to have a list of things that will happen in the near future, and to be honest, these things seemed rather strange things that could never come true.
the site above is where I will be getting several quotes from, as it has a very clear and distinct list of the prediction John Titor made about the future he came from.
The title of the predictions, which is again like the man himself, is a little strange, is
“John Titor Validity Test Based on Prediction of Civil War by 2004-2005”
Sounds like a fun and child friendly read to me! Lets carry on into the wonders of a crazy mans…I mean time travellers thoughts.
He primarily predicted that we would have a “GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR IN 2015”
That’s a good way to get the fans attention saying they would all die horribly. But this still doesn’t prove that he is a time traveller, throwing such quotes around at a time when people are in high alert due to the war in Iraq.
But there is one very interesting thing that he said which I will later talk about on my blog, John Titor mentioned that “
microsingularities (mini black hoels to those who aren’t scientists) will be crated at a particle collider, and physicists will eventually learn how to build a time machine using two of them at a time”
ah, now it gets interesting, as these were predicted in 2003, it was some 5 years later in 2007 that operations began ion the CERN’s LARGE ADRON COLLIDER.
Now this is something that really peaks interest, this collider has progressed in splitting the atom, the impossible made possible, and with this the world of science will explode with life as this will be an amazing step forward for the human race! Or it will explode and rip a hole in time and destroy everyone in what people will call, for the brief seconds of still being in existence a “monumental cock up”
The machine above, although it looks like a complicated box, is one of the machines that John Titor said would be patented for the purpose of time travel.
Here is another link to the images he said would be patented in the present.

But will he just like the other time travellers of our generation just miraculously disappear.
Or perhaps he will just “go back to him home time” or the institute that he escaped from in the first place, only time will tell!

Now let’s stop talking about Marty Mcfly want to bee’s and start talking about something that scares the crap out of a lot of people, that large black hole creation device that Switzerland has, the Large Hadron Collider.
No one at this point, I don’t feel, know what to think about this strange machine that they have built, what will it accomplish? We will have to see but if its anything like Frankie Boyle said the gamer’s amongst us are going to be very happy indeed.

"And maybe if they succeed, the whole of reality will fizzle out. And a big sign will come back saying; "level 2"
Frankie Boyle was quoted saying this on the television show Mock the Week, as they were discussing the creation and use of the large hadron collider, he was even quoted in saying he was “terrified” of even thinking about what was created.

But should we be scared? Does anyone really know enough about the machine to know for sure that when they turn it on we won’t all be slowly taken overseas, I am going to buy a big coat just in case.

“It might create a tiny black hole, which is the worst type of black hole, because we'll all be slowly drawn towards Switzerland”

Again Frankie Boyle

And with the amounts of likes with the quotes perhaps people might recreate the villager chase scene from Frankenstein’s monster and boycott the machine. On the bright side though if Frankie is right they will get to the machine easier as they will be drawn towards it like a fly to a flame.

Ok, ok. That’s enough joking about the Hadron Collider I best look at the facts behind it, as who knows, it could actually be more use than just a coat rack.

Here’s a quick rundown of what the Collider is and how it works, something a little more simple for those (like me) who can’t read science text without getting bored and walking off

“Two beams of subatomic particles called "hadrons" – either protons or lead ions – travel in opposite directions inside the circular accelerator, gaining energy with every lap”.

All I could think about when reading this was 2 guys riding round a Velodrome on bikes, perhaps that’s where they got the idea! Anyway back to the science.

Ok so there’s to much text for me to even get my head around, so I let Youtube tell me all I need to know!
This link is how the Large Hadron Collider actually works, but with pictures it seems a lot simpler! And if you really want to find out more there are tons of videos about the subject on Youtube.
But for those who like a stream of text here’s the Wikipedia link for a brief introduction to the Collider.

“Physicists use the LHC to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, by colliding the two beams head-on at very high energy”.

To me, hearing that something will recreate the big bang, doesn’t make me feel very safe, and it seem Frankie Boyle may have not misplaced his fear when mentioning this monster of a machine.
After going ahead to trawl the lengths of the internet to find the answers to whether this fear factory will actually produce the answers we need to prove evolution, time travel, heck, everything that we have ever asked of the world, I was stopped after typing in the words “Will the Hadron…” in google it came up with many sites and searches which have been searched before, and it looks like a lot of people have the same thoughts.
The screen shot below is of my search and what people think of most when they see the Collider.
Do not fear though, they have proven they are only human by breaking the damn thing! While many people cheer as it lies in ruins, some people are genuinely concerned and confused about the whole situation.

A fantastic link I found, a site where people were asked what are their feelings on the Hadron Collider.

Other answers given included:
  • Future generations are protecting us
  • Divine Intervention
  • Wait a minute! The universe hasn’t ended yet?
  • Some amateur ramblings involving the anthropic principle, doomsday arguments
  • Extra-terrestrials are preventing us from destroying life
  • Nobody’s said the magic word: PLEASE

Which really shows that either people are a little crazy thinking time travellers are protecting us, damn you John Titor, or they just don’t care, or don’t understand, which makes me laugh knowing how naive people can be in the world!

And it is also nice to see in the comments section that people appreciate the machine,
“It would therefore be quite marvellous if the LHC gave new impetus to our basic understanding of the universe in which we live. I am not fazed by the teething troubles the project has faced: they were to be expected”.


  1. Images needed with links to their source.
    Look At how the media has been used in a variety of ways to depict your chosen themes.Don't mix up past in the present. Keep them in separate sectios

  2. You definitely need images!
    Consider looking at searches such as:
    Time magazine,
    Time frame
    Time machine
    Time travel
    Time out

    These are but a few I can think of immediately - you should be able to come up with some more to help diversify your research - You have some of these listed in your mind maps already.
