Monday 26 September 2011

Research Notes Section

Bones – from forensic science, to children’s horror stories, bones can mean a whole different world depending on the theme or who is in possession of them.
Time – short but sweet. A lifetime for some is only minutes for another. People have always been looking for “more time”.
Reference everything.
Neil’s toolbox. – Bevs Blog.
Create a blog with m-Hyslop. Or whatever it is.
Dates when visiting websites, makes tutors angry when they haven’t been dated.
Set up several blogs.
Past – Present - The Horizon. (future)
Keep adding and editing to this blog, so it isn’t confusing when you come to the end.
Past “time”
Present “time”
The Horizon “time”
This is how the blog should be laid out. Keep it so it is very clear for Bev to look through at the end.
Past present and the future of the two topics.
10 weeks’ worth of research. Make sure there is a lot of the stuff!

Science in bones. What our bones tell us about us. Science, forensic science, etc.
How bones are represented by the media.
Cave painting, use for bones, rituals, “bones” the TV show, they are culturally bringing bones into the spot light, and people are lapping it up.

Time. What are we doing with time, how it is perceived.

Find Carleens blog. No idea what the hell it is called.
Create an introduction for the blog. Look at Bevs for reference.
Begin with present. Create 2 brainstorming exercises for each of the 2 ideas. Gives you a starting point for your work later on.
Quotes. Black Italic and Bold
Web links. Blue – Harvard reference
Statements and thoughts. Green
(Leave this to the end. Just take a note of where you got this image or information).
Add links for the website for the image, or the information.

A notes section added, so if you haven’t got time to finish your blog, links for pictures and information. Set into categories.
Movies – books – films – media – toys. Etc gives you the sites and easy to look through notes.
Identify areas people perceive, and they are in the public eye, which will have a future that can be built on. Disney is like this. They see what people might be interested in, ice age, fairy tale etc. find out why they are looking at that particular set of images, or genre.
Add anything we find interesting to the blog. Make it good to look at, and make people want to keep reading through.

Armadillos can walk underwater……stuff like that.

Think about what to write about, and research about. ß Bevs email?!

“Back to the futures” blog name.

Back To The Futures Introduction.

A blog. A futures blog none the less. A blog where I will reach so far into the future you will think I am psychic, or Mystic Meg, either will do.
The reason behind his blog is to delve deep into the depths of the interweb, and to surface with an “IP” or intellectual property of my own, which can be applied for future release, and still be relevant, even though it was thought of years beforehand.
I will begin with choosing 2 separate and completely random words, just two words, which I will then research, mind map, and trawl the internet to find out all about them, and slowly branch out, and find cultural relevance in several fields, Films, literature, film, TV, music, art, games, toys, fads etc.
I will condense to come up with an innovative idea which will keep the masses entertained for years to come.
These are the Themes I have gone for.

The first one is Time.
A concept which keeps everybody on track.
An idea which rules people’s lives, as they hope to attain more time from nowhere, attempting to extend their lives with surgery, or just watching the hours fly by watching clocks slowly rotate.
I will look at how in present day time is a much sought after commodity, people try to save time whenever they can, and even run like clockwork robots fitting all sorts of activities, meetings and daily routines into the short amount of time they actually have.
Ill move on to look at how time was even created, where the concept of time really grew into a big phenomenon, ill also delve into what people believe of time, and what it means to them in the bigger picture.
For the future I will be going all sci-fi, looking at how people believe time travel is the next big step in our scientific adventures, as people grow more and more interested in going back, rather than going forward.
I will even look at the downright bizarre, as people attempt to be cryogenically frozen, or keep alive while the years fly by so they can see the future first hand!

The second is Bones.
From forensic science, to disease, ancient rituals and burial, to a cartoon where they live in a dark dark room.
Bones have been seen in several different ways over the years, they can be haunting and abandoned, showing signs of death and strike fear, or they can be seen on TV dancing around for your entertainment. 
For the present ill begin with looking at Halloween, how people see skeletons as funny costumes or something for their amusement.
Ill slowly move on to the past, seeing how the skeleton even got used for Halloween, and how they were used before science, rituals and beliefs of small tribes and colonies, looking at ideas you don’t see day to day, and some which may turn peoples stomachs.
Finally I will look the future. How bones unlock so much about us scientifically, DNA, forensics, and much more, and if I get bored with humans ill look at archaeology, the exciting truth from the past which shows us where we came from and how we evolved.     Time mindmap is on here!
The mind map software online.

This is the Link to my Blog.

For Example: A thighbone makes a good trumpet!

Bones – Present.
It seems that bones have a completely different face, than what I imagined.
Just saying the word Bones seems to make people instantly think of the Tele vision show. It seems corpses have never been so prominent in hit culture.
Starting off with a topic I merely “Googled” Bones, and I was overwhelmed by sites about the hit TV show “Bones”.  There seems to be a large audience to it, a forensic show where people seem to be more and more interested in digging up bones for an hour and finding out who did it.
Forensic science, the field behind the show.
Bone marrow. In some cultures it’s a life saver. In others it’s a delicacy.
How the world differs.
Funny bones the cartoon
Hoodies – clothing
Scary - fear
The misfits face
Skulls and bones
Gothic concept
skulls and rituals and the like.


  1. Can you give your full name in your profile please as this needs to be a recognized named document as part of your assessment- it needs your full name

  2. Very thorough notes - relevant and accurate to what was said in the intro lesson.
    You appear to have understood the initial stages of the brief well and have made a good start. Very feasible choice of topics that are definitely very prominent in the media and well loved by the public.
    You could think about how people would gain extended time for their lives in the future BUT their bones may not withstand an elongated life style so what about the idea of manufactured skeletal system- if one at all !
